Bre McGee Photography Privacy Policy

Business Information

  • Business Name: Bre McGee Photography

  • Address: 1101 Stinson Boulevard NE, Studio #107, Minneapolis, MN 55413

  • Contact Information:

Types of Data Collected

  • Personal Data Collected: Name, email, phone number, address, payment information.

  • Data Collection Methods: Forms, cookies, and other tracking technologies.

Purpose of Data Collection

  • Reasons for Data Collection: Booking sessions, processing payments, marketing, and customer service.

Data Sharing

  • Data Sharing Practices: We do not share data with third parties.

Data Protection

  • Data Protection Methods: Encryption and secure servers via Squarespace, SproutStudio, and Stripe.

  • Data Retention Period: Indefinitely.

User Rights

  • Access, Correction, or Deletion of Data: Users can email us at to request access, correction, or deletion of their data.

  • Opt-Out of Data Collection or Marketing Communications: Users can email us at to opt out.

Cookies and Tracking

  • Use of Cookies and Tracking Technologies: We use Squarespace cookies and tracking technologies to better serve and reach customers online.

Updates to Privacy Policy

  • Notification of Changes: We will notify users of changes to the privacy policy via email.